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Getting Started

Teal has two modes:

  • APP mode will run the teal app. In app mode you can also start up the Locust webui.
  • TEST mode will run the tests and print the result to stdout.

Running Teal in App Mode

Here's a quick example of how easy it is to work with Teal:

docker run --pull=always --rm -it -p 8000:8000 \
  --name teal

Next you can use the api with the openapi ui.


Extract Text From a PDF

This endpoint will extract the text from a digital PDF.

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -F 'file=@../tests/data/digital_pdf/loadtest.pdf;type=application/pdf'

The response might look like this:

    "page": 1,
    "text": "Lorem ipsum"

Extract Text With OCR From a PDF

This endpoint extracts text from an image-only PDF or a digital PDF using the default language (English).

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -F 'file=@../tests/data/ocr/scanned_document.pdf'

The extracted text from the PDF might look like the following response:

    "page": 1,
    "text": "Lorem ipsum"

Extract Table From a PDF

This endpoint extracts tables as JSON from a digital PDF.

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -F 'file=@../tests/data/digital_pdf/document_with_one_table.pdf'

The response might look like this:

    "page": 1,
    "index": 0,
    "table": [
        "0": "A",
        "1": "B",
        "2": "C"
        "0": "A1",
        "1": "B11",
        "2": "C111"
        "0": "A2",
        "1": "B22",
        "2": "C222"
        "0": "A3",
        "1": "B33",
        "2": "C333"

Extract Metadata From a PDF

This endpoint extracts metadata from a PDF.

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -F 'file=@../tests/data/digital_pdf/loadtest.pdf'

The extracted metadata from the PDF might look like the following response:

  "fileName": "loadtest.pdf",
  "fileSize": 16873,
  "pdfVersion": "1.3",
  "pdfaClaim": null,
  "pages": 1,
  "docInfo": {
    "/Author": "foo",
    "/CreationDate": "D:20240602153930Z00'00'",
    "/Creator": "Word",
    "/ModDate": "D:20240602153930Z00'00'",
    "/Producer": "macOS Version 14.5 (Build 23F79) Quartz PDFContext",
    "/Title": "Document1"
  "xmp": {}

Convert PDF To PDF/A With OCR

This endpoint converts a PDF to PDF/A. If the PDF is a scanned image, OCR is used with the default language (English). The languages correspond to the Tesseract language codes.

curl -X 'POST' --output pdfa.pdf \
  '' \
  -F 'file=@../tests/data/digital_pdf/loadtest.pdf'

The output is a PDF/A file.

Validate PDF/A

This endpoint validates a PDF against the PDF/A standard.

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -F 'file=@../tests/data/pdfa/pdfa_2b.pdf'

This will generate an output like this:

  "profile": "PDF/A-2B",
  "statement": "PDF file is compliant with Validation Profile requirements.",
  "compliant": true,
  "details": {
    "passedRules": 143,
    "failedRules": 0,
    "passedChecks": 400,
    "failedChecks": 0,
    "ruleSummaries": []

Convert LibreOffice Documents to PDF

This endpoint converts a LibreOffice document to PDF (version 1.6).

curl -X 'POST' --output pdf.pdf \
  '' \
  -F 'file=@../tests/data/doc/text_document.txt'

The output is a PDF document.

Running Teal in Test Mode

Teal is packed with unit and integration tests, you just need to set the environment varaible TEAL_TEST_MODE=true. These tests can be run and verified with teh following command.

docker run --pull=always --rm -it -p 8000:8000 \
  -e TEAL_TEST_MODE=true --name teal

Starting Teal with Locust (Load Testing)

Teal also includes Locust load tests, you just need to set the environment variable TEAL_START_LOCUST=true. The following command will start the Locust web UI inside the Docker container.

docker run --pull=always --rm -it -p 8089:8089 -p 8000:8000 \
  -e TEAL_START_LOCUST=true --name teal

You can now start the load test from the locust webui http://localhost:8089/.